A perfect place for Educational fieldtrip

A perfect place for Educational fieldtrip
Learning site.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

A perfect place for Marine Explore/Camping

Dear Campers,

I’m so excited to get to know you!

We are so happy that you are a part of this 3-day Environmental Exploration by learning through experience!

You have a lot of exciting activities ahead of you! You will learn more about our Philippine Environment and Wildlife through fun-filled activities, and even actual interaction with animals! You will form new friends as you hunt for your breakfast together, perform your roles and responsibilities at camp, guide each other as you squeeze through the spider webb, create group ideas and sing and dance together.

Aside from your fellow camp explorers, you will be guided by camp explore’s friendly and experienced camp facilitators called Kuya and Ate. We are here to guide you to have one of your most beautiful and memorable camp experience and become responsible stewards of our mother earth; however, this is impossible without your active participation and openess.

The true success of your camp depends on you. . not only on the beaty of the campsite or the experiences of your camp facilitators. We believe we can do it together! So, let’s learn together, laugh together, as we get to know and love the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

Goodluck and Enjoy!


Kuya Jessie

CAMP Objectives:

1. To generate an appreciation of the Philippine environment and wildlife;
2. To foster environmental responsibility by experiencing the beauty of Nature in the campsite and through the various camp activities;
3. To be able to recognize the appreciate God’s presence through Nature and People;
4. To consciously andconscientiously conserve our natural resources;
5. To develop self-awareness, self-esteen and self-confidence;
6. To improve interpersonal skills through different group dynamic activities and games;
7. To reinforce the values of simplicity, sharing, and stewardship;
8. To develop good communication and leadership skills;
9. To have fun and build commaraderie in attaining all these objectives; and
10. To provide leadership training advocates for the enviroment, increase the level of awareness among youth leaders on the value of good stewardship, environmental protection and conservation and to motivate them to initiate environmental plan and actions in their respective community.

Cool Rules!

Camp will be a lot of FUN, Just be sure to follow these rules!

1. Smile! It’s for FREE.
2. Meet and get to know new friends in the activities and have fun.
3. Take good care of your own things.
4. Keep your lodge tidy and neat.
5. No eating in the Tent/rooms.
6. Conserve water and electricity. Put off all the lights and don’t keep water running.
7. Treat the plants trees, and animals with kindness.
8. Don’t step on the grass. Walk on the pathway.
9. Don’t pick flowers.
10. Don’t play with fire nor experiment on starting a fire except in bonfire area.
11. Be punctual. Activities will start only if everyone is present.
12. Each person’s safety is everyone’s need.
13. Be sensitive to each onter’s need.
14. Practice common courtesy.
15. Do not wander around without informing CampFacilitators of your whereabouts.
16. Feel free to approach any of the Camp Facilitators, Staff anytime & anywhere.

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